Jared E. Knickelbein, M.D., Ph.D

- 8/2003-12/2009 Medical Scientist (MD/PhD) Training Program
- University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PAMD (Curriculum completed 12/2009; Degree granted 5/2010) PhD in Immunology (Thesis defended 8/2008; Degree granted 12/2008)
- 8/1998-4/2002 BS in Biochemistry, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA
Professional & Post-Graduate Training
- 7/2014-6/2016 Uveitis, Ocular Immunology & Medical Retina Fellowship National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD
- 7/2011-6/2014 Ophthalmology Residency Program
- Chief Resident (7/2013-6/2014)
- Department of Ophthalmology, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA
- 7/2010-6/2011 Transitional Medicine Internship
- Department of Medicine, West Penn Allegheny Health System, Pittsburgh, PA
- 7/2010-6/2011 Visiting Scholar, Laboratory of Robert L. Hendricks, PhD
- Department of Ophthalmology, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA
- 1/2010-6/2010 Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, Laboratory of Robert L. Hendricks, PhD
- Department of Ophthalmology, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA
Medical Licensure
- 2014-present State of Pennsylvania
Specialty Certification
- 2015-present American Board of Ophthalmology
Academic & Professional Affiliations
- 2015-present American Uveitis Society, Member
- 2014-present Society of Heed Fellows, Member
- 2011-present American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO), Member-in-Training
- 2007-present Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), Member-in-Training
- 2012-2014 American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS), Member-in-Training
- 2011-2014 Pittsburgh Ophthalmology Society (POS), Member-in-Training
- 2007-2011 American Association of Immunologists (AAI), Member-in-Training
- 2005-2010 Allegheny County Medical Association (ACMA), Member-in- Training
Fellowships & Research Funding
- 7/2014-6/2015 Heed Fellowship
- One of five Heed Fellows to be supported by the Society of Heed Fellows
- 7/2011-6/2013
- NIH Clinical Loan Repayment Program Award, Project title: Location, phenotype, and function of human corneal antigen-presenting cells, National Eye Institute, NIH
- 7/2011-6/2012
- Fight for Sight Postdoctoral Award, Project title: Mechanisms of corneal graft rejection in the setting of previous corneal herpes simplex virus infection
- 1/2010-6/2010
- Medical Scientist Training Program Postdoctoral Fellowship, Funded in part by the Dean, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
- 12/2007-12/2009
- Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award for Individual Predoctoral MD/PhD Fellows, Project title: Maintenance of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 Neuronal Latency by CD8 T cells, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, NIH F30NS061471
- 1/2008-12/2008
- Research to Prevent Blindness Medical Student Eye Research Fellowship, Project title: Maintenance of Herpes Simplex Type 1 Neuronal Latency by CD8 T cells
- 6/2004-8/2004 NIH Summer Research Fellowship Program for Medical Students, National Eye Institute, NIH
- 5/2003-8/2003 NIH Summer Internship Program in Biomedical Research, National Eye Institute, NIH
- 2015-2016 National Institutes of Health Performance Award, National Eye Institute
- 10/2015 Best Scientific Presentation Award, National Eye Institute Focus on Fellows Symposium, NIH
- 6/2014 Jay G. Linn Award, Presented to the most outstanding senior resident as voted by the faculty of the Department of Ophthalmology, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
- 6/2014 Dorothy Christie Scott Academic Mission Award, Given in recognition of pursuit of academic research in ophthalmology, funded by a donation through the Eye & Ear Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA
- 6/2014 Excellence in Research Award, Presented to the senior ophthalmology resident with the greatest research accomplishments as determined by the Scholarly Project Committee, Department of Ophthalmology, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
- 5/2013 American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS) Foundation Resident Excellence Award, One of ten residents selected nationally
- 2/2013 Association of University Professors of Ophthalmology/Research to Prevent Blindness (AUPO/RPB) Resident and Fellow Research Forum, One of four residents and fellows selected nationally for a paper presentation at the AUPO Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA
- 10/2012 7th Annual Heed Foundation Residents Retreat, One of 24 residents selected nationally, Chicago, IL
- 5/2010 Keverline Memorial Award in Ophthalmology, Awarded to the senior medical student exemplifying
- the highest degree of excellence in ophthalmology, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
- 10/2008 Stephen L. Phillips Scientific Achievement Award, Awarded annually to the graduate student authoring the best paper published in a peer-reviewed journal, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
- 8/2008 Drs. S. Sutton Hamilton MSTP Scholar Award, Awarded to the senior MSTP student who demonstrated the greatest accomplishments during graduate school, University of Pittsburgh/Carnegie Mellon University
- 4/2008 Cora Verhagen Prize, Awarded for the best ocular immunology poster or paper presentation at the ARVO Annual Meeting judged by an international jury committee
- 4/2008 Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) Annual Meeting Travel Grant, Funded by the National Eye Institute, NIH
- 10/2007 Outstanding Poster Award, 12th Annual Biomedical Graduate Student Association Research Symposium, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
- 4/2002 Magna Cumme Laude Honors, Duquesne University
- 2000-2002 Golden Key International Honor Society, Duquesne University
- 2001-2002 Who’s Who among Students in American Universities and Colleges, Duquesne University
- 1999-2002 Dean’s List First Honors, Duquesne University
- 1998-2002 Presidential Merit Scholarship, Duquesne University
- 7/2014-present Fellowship Laboratory
- Laboratory of Immunology, National Eye Institute, NIH, Bethesda, MD
- Ocular immunology research investigating the role of retinal pigment epithelium (RPE)-derived extracellular vesicles in the modulation of immune responses
- Advisor: Robert Nussenblatt, MD
- 11/2005-6/2014 PhD Thesis, Postdoctoral, Visiting Scholar, and Resident Research Laboratory
- Department of Ophthalmology, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA
- Ocular immunology research investigating: i) mechanisms used by CD8 T cells to block herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) reactivation from neuronal latency following corneal infection; ii) mechanisms of immune-mediated corneal transplant rejection in the setting of previous ocular HSV-1 infection; iii) role of NK cells and NK cell receptors in the immune response to HSV-1 infection; iv) antigen-presenting cell phenotype and function within murine and human corneas
- Advisor: Robert Hendricks, PhD
- 6/2004-8/2004 NIH Summer Research Fellowship Program for Medical Students
- 5/2003-8/2003 NIH Summer Internship Program in Biomedical Research
- Laboratory of Immunology, National Eye Institute, NIH, Bethesda, MD
- Ocular immunology research investigating the pathogenesis of autoimmune uveitis
- Advisor: Robert Nussenblatt, MD
- 7/2014-present Associate Investigator (selected studies)
- National Eye Institute, Bethesda, MD
- Multicenter Uveitis Steroid Treatment (MUST) Trial
- Gevokizumab Treatment for Active Scleritis By IL-1 Inhibition
- Periocular and Intravitreal Corticosteroids for Uveitic Macular Edema Trial
- A Phase II Randomized Study to Compare Anti-VEGF Agents in the Treatment of DME
Peer-Reviewed Papers
- Knickelbein JE, Liu B, Arakelyan A, Zicari S, Hannes S, Chen P, Li Z, Grivel JC, Chaigne-Delalande B, Sen HN, Margolis L, Nussenblatt RB. Modulation of immune responses by extracellular vesicles from retinal pigment epithelium. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 2016. In press.
- Knickelbein JE, Sen HN. Multimodal Imaging of the White Dot Syndromes and Related Diseases. Journal of Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology. 2016. In press.
- Knickelbein JE, Hasan J, Nussenblatt RB, Sen HN. Delineation of choroidal and retinal lesions in posterior uveitis by multispectral wide-field scanning laser ophthalmoscopy. Retina. 2016. Epub ahead of print.
- Knickelbein JE, Wei M, Nussenblatt RB, Sen HN. Retinal pigment epithelium tear after immunosuppressive treatment for sarcoidosis-related choroidal granuloma. Ocular Immunology and Inflammation. 2016;5:1-5.
- Knickelbein JE, Sen HN. Multimodal imaging of the white dot syndromes and related diseases. Journal of Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology. 2016;7: 600.
- Knickelbein JE, Kuffova L (co-first author), Yu T, Medina C, Amescua G, Rowe AM, Hendricks RL, Forrester JV. High-risk corneal graft rejection in the setting of previous corneal herpes simplex virus (HSV)-1 infection. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 2016;57(4):1578-87.
- Knickelbein JE, Chew EY, Sen HN. Intraocular inflammation following intravitreal injection of anti-VEGF medications for neovascular age-related macular degeneration. Ophthalmic Epidemiology. 2016;23(2):69-70.
- Kim JS, Knickelbein JE, Jaworski L, Kaushal P, Vitale S, Nussenblatt RB, Sen HN. Enhanced depth imaging optical coherence tomography in uveitis: An intravisit and interobserver reproducibility study. American Journal of Ophthalmology. 2016;164:49-56.
- Ping Chen P, Urzua CA, Knickelbein JE, Kim JS, Li Z, Hannes S, Kuo D, Chaigne-Delalande B, Armbrust K, Tucker W, Liu B, Agron E, Sen HN, Nussenblatt RB. Elevated CD1c+ myeloid dendritic cell proportions associate with clinical activity and predict disease reactivation in noninfectious uveitis. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 2016;57(4):1765-72.
- Hosokawa K, Muranski P, Feng X, Townsley MD, Liu B, Knickelbein JE, Keyvanfar K, Dumitriu B, Ito S, Kajigaya S, Taylor JG, Kaplan MJ, Nussenblatt RB, Barrett AJ, O’Shea J, Young NS. TSCM in autoimmune disease – High frequency of circulating CD8+ memory stem cells in acquired aplastic anemia. Journal of Immunology. 2016;196(4):1568-78.
- Knickelbein JE, Jaworski L, Hasan J, Kaushal P, Sen HN, Nussenblatt RB. Therapeutic options for the treatment of non-infectious uveitis. Expert Review of Ophthalmology. 2015;10(4):359-373.
- Knickelbein JE, Chan CC, Sen HN, Ferris FL, Nussenblatt RB. Inflammatory mechanisms of age-related macular degeneration. International Ophthalmology Clinics. 2015;55(3):63-78.
- Featured on Medscape (https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/846909)
- Kim JS, Knickelbein JE, Nussenblatt RB, Sen HN. Clinical trials in noninfectious uveitis. International Ophthalmology Clinics. 2015;55(3)79-110.
- Knickelbein JE, Singh A, Flowers BE, Nair UK, Eisenberg M, Davis R, Raju LV, Schuman JS, Conner IP. Acute corneal edema with subsequent thinning and hyperopic shift following selective laser trabeculoplasty. Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery. 2014;40(10):1731-5.
- Knickelbein JE, Buela KA, Hendricks RL. Antigen-presenting cells are stratified within normal human corneas and are rapidly mobilized during ex vivo viral infection. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 2014;55(2):1118-23.
- Knickelbein JE, Kovarik J, Dhaliwal DK, Chu CT. 2013. Acanthamoeba keratitis: A clinical-pathologic case report and review of the literature. Human Pathology. 2014;44(5):918-22.
- Medina CA, Rowe AM, Yun H, Knickelbein JE, Lathrop KL, Hendricks RL. Azithromycin treatment increases survival of high-risk corneal allotransplants. Cornea. 2013;32(5):658-66.
- Rowe AM, St Leger AJ, Jeon S, Dhaliwal DK, Knickelbein JE, Hendricks RL. Herpes keratitis. Progress in Retinal & Eye Research. 2013;32:88-101.
- Himmelein S, St Leger AJ, Knickelbein JE, Rowe A, Freeman ML, Hendricks RL. Circulating herpes simplex type 1-specific CD8+ T cells do not access HSV-1 latently infected trigeminal ganglia. Herpesviridae. 2011;2(1):5.
- Knickelbein JE, Buela KA, Hendricks RL. Herpes stromal keratitis: Erosion of ocular immune privilege by herpes simplex virus. Future Virology. 2010;5(6):699-708.
- Featured on Medscape (https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/735169)
- Knickelbein JE, Watkins SC, McMenamin PG, Hendricks RL. Stratification of antigen-presenting cells within the normal cornea. Ophthalmology & Eye Diseases. 2009;1:45-54.
- Knickelbein JE, Stefko ST, Charukamnoetkanok P. Neurotrophic keratitis in a patient with disseminated lymphangiomatosis. Eye & Brain. 2009;1:1-4.
- Knickelbein JE, Hendricks RL, Charukamnoetkanok P. Management of herpes stromal keratitis: An evidence-based review. Survey of Ophthalmology. 2009;54(2):226-34.
- Featured in EyeWorld, Oct 2009 (https://www.eyeworld.org/article-controlling-hsv-keratitis)
- Knickelbein JE, Khanna KM, Yee MB, Baty CJ, Kinchington PR, Hendricks RL. Noncytotoxic lytic granule-mediated CD8+ T cell inhibition of HSV-1 reactivation from neuronal latency. Science. 2008;322(5899):268-71.
- Focus of Research Highlight in Nature Reviews Microbiology. 2008;6:876-877
- Rated as Exceptional by Faculty of 1000 (https://f1000.com/1123441)
- Knickelbein JE, Ramachandran S (co-first author), Ferko C, Hendricks RL, Kinchington PR. Development and pathogenic evaluation of a recombinant herpes simplex virus type 1 expressing two fluorescent reporter genes from different lytic promoters. Virology. 2008;378(2):254-64.
- Knickelbein JE, Sheridan BS (co-first author), Hendricks RL. CD8 T cells and latent virus: Keeping the peace in sensory ganglia. Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy. 2007;7(9):1323-1331.
- Wierzbicki, A, Cheatham TE, Dalal P, Knickelbein JE, Haymet ADJ, Madura JD. Antifreeze Proteins at the Ice/Water Interface: Three calculated discriminating properties for orientation of Type I proteins. Biophysics Journal. 2007;93(5):1442-51.
- Knickelbein JE, Divito S, Hendricks RL. Modulation of CD8+ CTL effector functions by fibroblasts derived from the immune-privileged cornea. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 2007;48(5):2194-202.
- Knickelbein JE, de Souza AJ (co-first author), Tosti R, Narayan P, Kane LP. Cutting Edge: Inhibition of T cell activation by TIM-2. Journal of Immunology. 2006;177(8):4966-70.
- Dalal, P, Knickelbein J, Sönnichsen FD, Haymet ADJ, Madura JD. Hydrogen bond analysis of the type 1 antifreeze protein in the water and the ice/water interfacial region. PhysChemComm. 2001;4:32-36.
- Editor, Uveitis section. In: Medina CA, Townsend JH, Singh AD, eds. Manual of Retinal Disease – A Guide to Diagnosis and Management. Springer; 2016.
Book Chapters
- Knickelbein JE, Armbrust KR, Kim M, Sen HN, Nussenblatt RB. Pharmacologic Treatment of Non-infectious Uveitis. In Whitcup SM, Azar D, eds. Pharmacologic Therapy of Ocular Disease. Springer; 2016.
- Knickelbein JE, Nussenblatt RB, Sen HN. Evaluation of Patients with a White Dot Syndrome. In: Medina CA, Townsend JH, Singh AD, eds. Manual of Retinal Disease – A Guide to Diagnosis and Management. Springer; 2016.
- Knickelbein JE, Nussenblatt RB, Sen HN. Multifocal Choroiditis and Panuveitis. In: Medina CA, Townsend JH, Singh AD, eds. Manual of Retinal Disease – A Guide to Diagnosis and Management. Springer; 2016.
- Fox A, Knickelbein JE, Nussenblatt RB, Sen HN. Multiple Evanescent White Dot Syndrome. In: Medina CA, Townsend JH, Singh AD, eds. Manual of Retinal Disease – A Guide to Diagnosis and Management. Springer; 2016.
- Kim J, Knickelbein JE, Nussenblatt RB, Sen HN. Punctate Inner Choroidopathy. In: Medina CA, Townsend JH, Singh AD, eds. Manual of Retinal Disease – A Guide to Diagnosis and Management. Springer; 2016.
- Valent D, Knickelbein JE, Nussenblatt RB, Sen HN. Acute Posterior Multifocal Placoid Pigment Epitheliopathy. In: Medina CA, Townsend JH, Singh AD, eds. Manual of Retinal Disease – A Guide to Diagnosis and Management. Springer; 2016.
- Valent D, Knickelbein JE, Nussenblatt RB, Sen HN. Serpiginous Choroiditis. In: Medina CA, Townsend JH, Singh AD, eds. Manual of Retinal Disease – A Guide to Diagnosis and Management. Springer; 2016.
- Hasan J, Knickelbein JE, Nussenblatt RB, Sen HN. Birdshot Chorioretinopathy. In: Medina CA, Townsend JH, Singh AD, eds. Manual of Retinal Disease – A Guide to Diagnosis and Management. Springer; 2016.
- Kaushal P, Knickelbein JE, Nussenblatt RB, Sen HN. Presumed Ocular Histoplasmosis Syndrome. In: Medina CA, Townsend JH, Singh AD, eds. Manual of Retinal Disease – A Guide to Diagnosis and Management. Springer; 2016.
- Fox A, Knickelbein JE, Nussenblatt RB, Sen HN. Behçet’s Disease. In: Medina CA, Townsend JH, Singh AD, eds. Manual of Retinal Disease – A Guide to Diagnosis and Management. Springer; 2016.
- Kim J, Knickelbein JE, Nussenblatt RB, Sen HN. Posterior Scleritis. In: Medina CA, Townsend JH, Singh AD, eds. Manual of Retinal Disease – A Guide to Diagnosis and Management. Springer; 2016.
- Jaworski L, Knickelbein JE, Nussenblatt RB, Sen HN. Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada Syndrome. In: Medina CA, Townsend JH, Singh AD, eds. Manual of Retinal Disease – A Guide to Diagnosis and Management. Springer; 2016.
- Jaworski L, Knickelbein JE, Nussenblatt RB, Sen HN. Ocular Sarcoidosis. In: Medina CA, Townsend JH, Singh AD, eds. Manual of Retinal Disease – A Guide to Diagnosis and Management. Springer; 2016.
- Kaushal P, Knickelbein JE, Nussenblatt RB, Sen HN. Sympathetic Ophthalmia. In: Medina CA, Townsend JH, Singh AD, eds. Manual of Retinal Disease – A Guide to Diagnosis and Management. Springer; 2016.
- Hasan J, Knickelbein JE, Nussenblatt RB, Sen HN. Pars Planitis. In: Medina CA, Townsend JH, Singh AD, eds. Manual of Retinal Disease – A Guide to Diagnosis and Management. Springer; 2016.
- Buela, KA, Frank GM, Knickelbein JE, Hendricks RL. Immunopathogenesis of HSV Keratitis. In: D.A. Dartt, R. Dana, P. D’Amore, J. Niederkorn, eds. Immunology, Inflammation and Diseases of the Eye, Elsevier: Amsterdam; 2011:396-400.
- Buela, KA, Frank GM, Knickelbein JE, Hendricks RL. Immunopathogenesis of HSV Keratitis. In: D.A. Dartt, ed. Encyclopedia of the Eye, Vol 2. Oxford: Academic Press; 2011:301-305.
Non-Peer Reviewed Articles
- Knickelbein JE, Waxman EL. Academic Grand Rounds: Not your garden-variety amaurosis. EyeWorld. 2014. https://eyeworld.org/article-not-your-garden-variety-amaurosis
- Knickelbein JE. Herpes simplex virus stromal keratitis and endotheliitis. AAO EyeWiki. 2013. https://eyewiki.aao.org/Herpes_simplex_virus_stromal_keratitis_and_endotheliitis
Abstracts for Paper (Oral) Presentations
- Knickelbein JE, Liu B, Arakelyan A, Zicari S, Hannes S, Chen P, Li Z, Grivel JC, Chaigne-Delalande B, Sen HN, Margolis L, Nussenblatt RB. Modulation of immune responses by extracellular vesicles from retinal pigment epithelium. 2015 National Eye Institute’s Focus on Fellows Symposium. Oct 29-30, 2015. Bethesda MD
- Awarded Best Scientific Presentation by a clinical fellow
- Kim JS (Presentation by JSK), Jaworski L, Kaushal P, Vitale S, Knickelbein JE, Nussenblatt RB, Sen HN. Enhanced Depth Imaging Optical Coherence Tomography (EDI-OCT) in Uveitis: An Intra-Session and Inter-Observer Reproducibility Study. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting. May 3-7, 2015. Denver, CO
- Knickelbein JE, Arakelyan A, Hannes S, Liu B, Grivel JC, Zicari S, Maminishkis A, Miller SS, Margolis L, Nussenblatt RB. Modulation of monocyte activation by retinal pigment epithelium (RPE)-derived exosomes. 2015 Congress of the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles. April 23, 2015. Washington, DC
- Knickelbein JE, Buela KA, Hendricks RL. Antigen-presenting cells are stratified within normal human corneas and are rapidly mobilized during ex vivo viral infection. UPMC Vision Research Day. June 13, 2014. Pittsburgh, PA
- Knickelbein JE, Singh A, Flowers B, Nair UK, Schuman JS, Conner IP. Acute corneal edema with subsequent thinning and hyperopic shift after selective laser trabeculoplasty. UPMC Vision Research Day. June 13, 2014. Pittsburgh, PA
- Knickelbein JE, Singh A, Flowers B, Nair UK, Schuman JS, Conner IP. Acute corneal edema with subsequent thinning and hyperopic shift after selective laser trabeculoplasty. American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS) Annual Symposium. April 25-29, 2014. Boston, MA
- Selected as one of the top 10 papers submitted by residents and fellows
- Knickelbein JE, Medina CA, Amescua G, Forrester JV, Hendricks RL. Mechanisms of corneal graft rejection in HSV-infected hosts. Association of University Professors of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting. Jan 31-Feb 2, 2013. San Diego, CA
- Knickelbein JE, Medina CA, Forrester JV, Hendricks RL. Mechanisms of Corneal Graft Rejection in HSV-Infected Hosts. UPMC Vision Research Day. June 8, 2012. Pittsburgh, PA
- Medina CA (Presentation by CAM), Rowe A, Knickelbein JE, Hendricks RL. Azithromycin (azm) Treatment increases survival of high risk corneal allotransplants. Pan-American Association of Ophthalmology Research Day. May 5, 2012. Ft. Lauderdale, FL
- Knickelbein JE, Medina CA, Amescua G, Forrester JV, Hendricks RL. Mechanisms of corneal graft rejection in HSV-infected hosts. Cornea Society/EBAA Fall Educational Symposium. Oct 21, 2011. Orlando, FL
- Knickelbein JE, Medina CA, Forrester JV, Hendricks RL. Corneal graft rejection in the setting of previous ocular HSV-1 infection. West Penn Allegheny Health System Resident Research Symposium. May 19, 2011. Pittsburgh, PA
- Medina CA (Presentation by CAM), Knickelbein JE, Forrester JV, Hendricks RL. Corneal graft rejection in the setting of previous HSV-1 infection. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting. May 1-5, 2011. Ft. Lauderdale, FL
- Hendricks RL (Presentation by RLH), Frank GM, Knickelbein JE. CD11chigh dendritic cells control the innate immune response that clears herpes simplex virus type 1 from the cornea. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting. May 2-7, 2010. Ft. Lauderdale, FL
- Knickelbein JE, Watkins SC, Hendricks RL. Stratification of Antigen-Presenting Cells within the Naïve Cornea. UPMC Vision Research Day. June 19, 2009. Pittsburgh, PA
- Knickelbein JE, Watkins SC, Hendricks RL. Stratification of Antigen-Presenting Cells within the Naïve Cornea. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting. May 3-7, 2009. Ft. Lauderdale, FL
- Hendricks RL (Presentation by RLH), Knickelbein JE. T cell control of herpes simplex virus type 1 latency in sensory neurons. 8th International Symposium on NeuroVirology. October 29-November 2, 2007. San Diego, CA
- Knickelbein JE, Hendricks RL. How the Immune System Maintains HSV-1 Latency in Sensory Ganglia. UPMC Management of Disorders of the Anterior Segment: Update. May 11-12, 2007. Nemacolin Woodlands Resort, Farmington, PA
- Knickelbein JE, Schott GC, Ashead BM, Matta SS. How to conduct an effective undergraduate research program. 220th American Chemical Society National Meeting. August 20-24, 2000. Washington, DC
Abstracts for Poster Presentations (Abstracts for required undergraduate, graduate, and MD/PhD program symposia not listed)
- Knickelbein JE, Wei MM, Jeffrey BG, Nussenblatt RB, Sen HN. Variability in full-field electoretinogram measurements in patients with birdshot chorioretinopathy. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting. May 1-5, 2016. Seattle, WA
- Wei MM, Knickelbein JE, Armbrust KR, Cunningham D, Vitale S, Nussenblatt RB, Sen HN. Validation study for an image-based standardized grading system for scleritis. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting. May 1-5, 2016. Seattle, WA
- Knickelbein JE, Hasan J, Nussenblatt RB, Sen HN. Stratification of choroidal and retinal lesions in posterior uveitis by multispectral wide-field scanning laser ophthalmoscopy. American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting. November 13-17, 2015. Las Vegas, NV
- Knickelbein JE, Arakelyan A, Hannes S, Liu B, Grivel JC, Zicari S, Maminishkis A, Miller SS, Margolis L, Nussenblatt RB. Modulation of monocyte activation by retinal pigment epithelium (RPE)-derived exosomes. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting. May 3-7, 2015. Denver, CO
- Knickelbein JE, Buela KA, Hendricks RL. Stratification of antigen-presenting cells within the normal human cornea. UPMC Vision Research Day. June 14, 2013. Pittsburgh, PA
- Knickelbein JE, Buela KA, Hendricks RL. Stratification of antigen-presenting cells within the normal human cornea. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting. May 5-9, 2013. Seattle, WA
- Knickelbein JE, St Leger AJ, Harvey S, Hendricks RL. The role of Natural Killer (NK) cells in the control of acute HSV-1 infection. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting. May 6-10, 2012. Ft. Lauderdale, FL
- Medina CA, Rowe A, Knickelbein JE, Hendricks RL. Azithromycin (Azm) treatment increases survival of high-risk corneal allotransplants. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting. May 6-10, 2012. Ft. Lauderdale, FL
- Knickelbein JE, Hendricks RL. Expression and function of natural killer (NK) cell receptors in ocular HSV-1 infection. UPMC Vision Research Day. June 11, 2010. Pittsburgh, PA
- Knickelbein JE, Hendricks RL. Expression and function of natural killer (NK) cell receptors in ocular HSV-1 infection. 97th American Association of Immunologists Annual Meeting. May 7-11, 2010. Baltimore, MD
- Knickelbein JE, Hendricks RL. Expression and function of natural killer (NK) cell receptors in ocular HSV-1 infection. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting. May 2-7, 2010. Ft. Lauderdale, FL
- Amescua G, Knickelbein JE, Hendricks RL. Cellular interactions and architecture within inflamed murine corneas. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting. May 2-7, 2010. Ft. Lauderdale, FL
- Knickelbein JE, Hendricks RL. Expression and function of natural killer (NK) cell receptors in ocular HSV-1 infection. Keystone Symposia: Viral Immunity. March 21-26, 2010. Banff, AB, Canada
- Knickelbein JE, Watkins SC, Hendricks RL. Stratification of antigen-presenting cells within the naïve cornea. 96th American Association of Immunologists Annual Meeting. May 8-11, 2009. Seattle, WA
- Knickelbein JE, Hendricks RL. Noncytotoxic lytic granule-mediated CD8+ T cell inhibition of HSV-1 reactivation from neuronal latency. Science 2008: On Our Watch. October 2-3, 2008. Pittsburgh, PA
- Knickelbein JE, Hendricks RL. Lytic granule-mediated, noncytolytic CD8+ T cell inhibition of HSV-1 reactivation from neuronal latency. 95th American Association of Immunologists Annual Meeting. May 5-9, 2008. San Diego, CA
- Knickelbein JE, Hendricks RL. Lytic granule-mediated, noncytolytic CD8 T cell inhibition of HSV-1 reactivation from neuronal latency. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting. April 27-30, 2008. Ft. Lauderdale, FL
- Knickelbein JE, Khanna KM, Hendricks RL. Lytic granule components are required for the maintenance of HSV-1 neuronal latency. 94th American Association of Immunologists Annual Meeting. May 18-22, 2007. Miami, FL
- Kane LP, de Souza AJ, Tosti R, Knickelbein JE. Inhibition of T cell activation by TIM-2. 93rd American Association of Immunologists Annual Meeting. May 12-16, 2006. Boston, MA
- Siu WO, Li Z, Greenman DB, Davuluri G, Jirawuthiworavong G, Liu B, Mahesh SP, Knickelbein JE, Levy-Clarke GA, Nussenblatt RB. CD56+ CD3+CD8bright Natural killer T cells appear to correlate with inflammatory activity in Behçet’s disease. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting. April 30-May 4, 2006. Ft. Lauderdale, FL
- Knickelbein JE, Li Z, Nussenblatt RB. In vitro tracking of lymphocyte proliferation using CFSE in uveitis patients. 56th American Medical Student Association Annual Convention. March 31-April 2, 2006. Chicago, IL
- Dala P, Knickelbein JE, Haymet ADJ, Madura JD. Antifreeze proteins at the ice/water interface. 35th Central Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society. October 19-22, 2003. Pittsburgh, PA
- Dala P, Knickelbein JE, A.D.J Haymet, Madura JD. Antifreeze proteins at the ice/water interface. 226th American Chemical Society National Meeting. September 7-11, 2003. New York, NY
- Toma BP, Rischel J, Knickelbein JE. 150 Years of Chemistry in Western Pennsylvania. 225th American Chemical Society National Meeting. March 23-27, 2003. New Orleans, LA
- Knickelbein JE, Dalal P, Haymet ADJ, Madura JD. Effects of different force fields on antifreeze protein helical stability. 223rd American Chemical Society National Meeting. April 7-11, 2002. Orlando, FL
- O’Leary EM, Dean AR, Enz KE, Forward PA, Knickelbein JE, Matta S, Rishel JT, Rumon MP, Toma BP. Continuing multi-faceted research and community interaction itinerary for the Duquesne University Chapter SAACS. 223rd American Chemical Society National Meeting. April 7-11, 2002. Orlando, FL
- Dala P, Knickelbein JE, Haymet ADJ, Madura JD. Hydrogen bond analysis of the Type 1 antifreeze protein in the water and the ice/water interfacial region. 222nd American Chemical Society National Meeting. August 26-30, 2001. Chicago, IL
- Knickelbein JE, Schott GC, Hampton E, Ashead BM, Forward P, Knecht M, Schuerle T, Davie SR, Matta SS. Duquesne University student affiliates CISA program for 2000-2001. 221st American Chemical Society National Meeting. April 1-5, 2001. San Diego, CA
- Dala P, Knickelbein JE, Sonnichsen F, Haymet ADJ, Madura JD. Antifreeze proteins at the ice/water interface. 221st American Chemical Society National Meeting. April 1-5, 2001. San Diego, CA
- Knickelbein JE, Madura JD. Simulation of a Type II thermal hysteresis protein at the ice/water interface. 220th American Chemical Society National Meeting. August 20-24, 2000. Washington, DC
- Weismann TJ, Ashead BM, Davie SR, Forward PA, Hampton ES, Knickelbein JE, Matta S, Schuerle T, Schott GC. Duquesne University innovative activity grant program. 221st American Chemical Society National Meeting. August 20-24, 2000. Washington, DC
- Knickelbein JE, Madura JD. Simulations of ice/protein/water interfaces. 219th American Chemical Society National Meeting. March 26-30, 2000. San Francisco, CA